Sermon Notes

FPStudents- Made for Glory- Jayson Hines- 10/9/13

Glory- public fame, honor, or praise

The world's view and God's view of glory are completely different.  God's glory takes the attention off us and puts it on him.

When we're face to face with God's glory, it makes us different!  But that doesn't happen a lot because in order to come to face to face with God's glory, WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE WAY!

To achieve the glory we were designed for, we must humble ourselves.

Action Steps:

#1 Refuse to bring glory to yourselves.
Philippians 2:5-8-- God became man and SERVED people!
Think like he thought!  (vs. 5)
If Jesus lives in you, he should dominate your life- walking billboard for Jesus!
We need to realize that I am not God. (vs. 6)
God can't fill a vessel that is already full.  You've got to empty yourself of you so that God can move in.
If we want the glory that God has for us, we have to die to ourselves.

#2 Give Up Our Rights- vs. 7
When we make it all about him, God does amazing things in our lives!
We are made for glory- but we're made to be a vessel for God's glory.

The God of the universe wants to use me!

John 3:30
He must increase, but I must decrease.
What does that mean to you?  What would that look like in your life?

He left heaven and ALL the glory there to SERVE us and bring us to his glory!

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