Monday, January 25, 2016

Dear Test-Anxious Teacher Friends...

Dear Test-Anxious Teacher Friends,

Over the weekend, I was looking at Numbers 13, where the Israelites send spies to scope out the promise land. The spies report, "The land was flowing with milk and honey but we look like grasshoppers next to the people there." They saw themselves as weak... They let fear rule... The spoke death instead of life over their situations. And because of that, they missed out on the promise land.

In all honesty, I battle anxiety a lot. And these tests we have coming up threaten to throw me into a tailspin. They make me feel like a grasshopper, small and out of control.

But here's the thing... God called us to this profession even though he knew what we'd be up against. He gives us favor with our students and their families. This is our mission. I don't know if our promise land includes the test scores that we've always gotten. But I know that the Lord doesn't measure our success by test scores. His goal for us is to glorify him, to love on his children, to use this short time we get with them to demonstrate what grace and truth look like, to live out His ways even when we can't say His name.

I'm afraid I'll miss that if I'm not really intentional over the next few weeks. These test scores are "the decedents of Anak," giants that make us feel like grasshoppers if we focus on them too hard. However, they're not the key to the promise land. 

Our mission is so much bigger than that in the spiritual realm. I'm praying that God gives us confidence because he's already given us all we need to make a difference in the ways that really matter... and that we would do our very best on those tests... but not let them give us a grasshopper complex.

Confident in this,

(Yes, that's a praying mantis, not a grasshopper, but close enough.)