Monday, April 20, 2015

The Elusive Second Handful

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:6
Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.
This scripture is all about being content with what you have and who you are.  But it's contrary to "the American Dream" and to our human nature to do this.  We have a tendency to want more.  We have a tendency to say, "If only."

Girls (and women) tend to really struggle with this.  Instead of accepting our one handful with tranquility we look at the two handfuls that other people seem to have and take on unnecessary toil in order to try to attain something that isn't ours.  Solomon called this "chasing after the wind."

Isn't that an accurate picture of what we do?  We "if only" ourselves to death.  We compare ourselves to others so much that we forget that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14).  And we don't realize that the second "handful" is an illusion.  And so often that person who seems to have it all is chasing after the wind for some elusive other handful too.

Yesterday I posted the following on my Facebook and Instagram:

"I need some ladies to get real with me for a minute. This quote from this sweet and funny memoir really resonated with me because I can remember feeling this way in several relationships with other girls over the years. Ladies, did you ever feel this way? Is this a feeling common to girls who tend to be the more introverted one in the friendship? Or does the more extroverted girl feel this way too? I'm just interested to hear some prospectives from other people. I think so many of us have secret thoughts like this but are afraid to admit to insecurity. It's good to know I'm not the only one who's ever thought this. So I'd love to gather some thoughts to pass that message on to my girls."
Several of my friends responded with such profound truths that I want to just share their words as they wrote them:

Isn't this amazing?  We all have that insecurity.  We all think we're missing out on something when we compare ourselves to other people.  One thing that I noticed in these answers is that both personality types tend to see the other as more secure.
  • Introverts think, "She must be so much more confident to put herself out there like that.  I wish I could be more like her."
  • Extraverts think, "She must be so much more comfortable in her own skin since she doesn't feel the need to show off or speak out.  I wish I was that comfortable with myself."
But there's a certain inauthenticity to both sides.  Both are compensating for insecurity.  As I'm thinking about this the Sara Evens song "I Keep Looking" keeps playing over and over in my head.  Sorry for the twang, but this describes our condition perfectly!  

Psalm 46:10 says, "Cease striving and know that I am God."  In other words, "Quit chasing the wind and know that I made you on purpose and for a purpose."  
Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."  In other words, "Trust me that I knew what I was doing and that you are exactly what I meant to create."

Lord, you are perfect and everything you created was on purpose.  And you call me your masterpiece!  Help me to believe it, God.  Help me to stop chasing the wind.  Help to to stop trying to be someone else.  Help me to be content with who you made me.  Lord, thank you for your love.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Confident in this…

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