Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Rejoice, pray, give thanks… This is the recipe for a purpose-driven life according to 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. But I don't think I understood the full intended meaning of each of those words.
Rejoice always! Be exceedingly glad! Thrive in this life! Don't just exist in it. Is every moment of my life about thriving? No. Too often I am just living, or waiting, or existing-- but we all called to rejoice! We are called to a life of thriving!
Pray continually! Live in a constant spirit of prayer! This is closely linked to rejoicing because if we are in constant connection to the one who gives us joy, we will be rejoicing! We will be thriving!
Give thanks in all circumstances! Be grateful no matter what happens! Trust that what is happening is within God's control and that we will make good purpose out of it. And therefore, we can be thankful! And again, we can rejoice! We can thrive in him!
Why do we do all these things? Because it is "God's will." This translates as "thelema," meaning "the purpose of God to bless mankind through Christ." God wants to bless us! That's his goal in telling us to rejoice, pray, and give thanks! Through those three things, he blesses us. Through those three things, our life becomes less about existing and more about thriving!
God, you are amazing! I desperately desire a life of thriving! Please constantly remind me to rejoice, pray, and give thanks, so that you can accomplish your purpose in me. In Jesus' name! Amen!
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