Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 19th-25th

Welcome to Confident in This!  Scroll to today's date for a daily worship song, guided study of God's Word, and prayer.  Feel free to leave a comment!  And please come back tomorrow!

Scripture: Psalm 139:13-16
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me where written in your book before one of them came to be.

Thursday, September 19
Click here to listen to today's worship song.

Read the whole passage.  It is so hard to comprehend that there is someone who knows us better than we know ourselves, but that is exactly how well God knows us.  He is our creator and our sustainer.  No one else knew us before we were born or knows exactly what will happen to us every day of our lives.  Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."  The New International Version uses the word handiwork, but some versions use the word masterpiece.  If we are the masterpieces of God, the Creator of the whole universe, we should realize that we are very special creations!

Have you ever made something or done something that you are so proud of?  You want everyone to see and know that it belongs to you.  That is how God feels about us!  He has made some amazing things, but we are His greatest creation.  Why else would he send Jesus to die and save us from our own sins?  We should live for him to show him that we are proud to be children of the one true God!

Praise God for who he is.  Thank him for your blessings.  Tell God that you are so happy to belong to Him! Ask Him to always help you see that you are worthy of the gift of His Son because He is your creator and to help you strive to walk with Him.

Friday, September 20
Click here to listen to today's worship song.

Read verse 13. My inmost being...what does that mean? There are things about each of us that no one knows.  We are even constantly learning things about ourselves.  Even those things that are totally hidden from other people and even sometimes from ourselves, God already knows.  There are no secrets with God.  We can't hide anything from Him because he knows it all.  He knows things about us physically that doctors can't even tell us.  He knows things about our emotions that we try to hide from everyone else.  He knows our desires and even if those desires will be met. God knows it because like the verse says, He created it!  If you create something you know all about it, from the inside out.  That is how God is with us!

Think about the word "knit."  I think of when my grandmother took the time to knit afghans.  It took planning.  She didn't just throw it together in a sloppy way.  Verse 13 says that God knit us together.  He didn't just throw in some parts.  He took time to prepare and plan who we are physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  For God to put that much thought into each of us truly makes us masterpieces!

Praise God for who he is.  Thank him for your blessings.  Ask Him to help you feel like the "masterpiece" that you really are to Him.

Saturday, September 21
Click here to listen to today's worship song.

Read verse 14.  The first word used to describe how we were made is fearfully.  When the Bible talks about being fearful of God, we sometimes get confused.  People can make fear into a bad thing when really it can mean having total respect for something or someone.  God is the highest power and authority that exists.  As Christians we should have the utmost respect for him.  We are fearful of displeasing Him not because we are fearful of the punishment He could give us but because we respect Him for being such a graceful, merciful, forgiving Father even when we do something wrong.

Have you ever done something and been terrified of the consequences for your actions? That is a natural reaction, however, we should choose to do the right thing because we have intergrity, not because we are afraid of the consequences.  The same is true with our relationship with Our Heavenly Father.  Yes, the thought of eternal punishment for not being a Christ follower is scary, but it should not be our driving force behind our decision to follow Christ.  We should follow Him for many reasons, and one reason being out of a fearful respect for Him as our authority figure and Great Creator.

Praise God for who he is.  Thank him for your blessings.  Pray that God will show you how to follow Him with respect and love, not just because you are afraid of the consequences if you don't.

Sunday, September 22

Click here to listen to today's worship song.

Verse 14- The second word used to describe how we are created is "wonderfully."  We look around everyday and see such amazing creations and the Bible tells us that WE are wonderfully made.  We should believe it!  If we put down the way we were created we are basically criticising God. Who are we to criticize the Almighty God who planned every thing about us and our lives?  That is not standing in fearful respect of the One who created us.

Do you think to praise God for making you who you are?  Too often we think of all the things we don't like about ourselves rather than realizing that God made us wonderfully just the way we are for a reason. "I'm too fat, I'm too skinny, I wish my hair was different, I hate being shy, why am I not as smart as this person, why can't I be good at sports like that person, etc.  Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows the plans He has for us.  If he created us differently than what we are, we wouldn't be able to fulfill the purpose He has for us.  Everything about us, down to each hair on our heads is for a reason.  Instead of focusing on what you are not, start trying to focus on what you are....WONDERFULLY MADE.

Praise God for who he is.  Thank him for your blessings. Thank God for creating you just the way you are.  Ask him to guide you toward the purpose He has for you by making His desires for your life your desires.

Monday, September 23

Click here to listen to today's worship song.


Verse 14-The last part of verse 14 is how we should respond to God in regards to His creations, including outselves. Even though we say that "we know full well" that God's works are wonderful, do we actually act like his works are wonderful. We are each one of his "works." Do we believe that the way God created us in His image is wonderful? You can show God that you believe this by honoring Him with your words and actions.  Treat your body as a temple and your mind and heart as tools created by God to live and work for His glory.
Have you ever thought about how an Olympic Athlete has to take care of his or her body for that level of competition? He or she has to monitor what goes into the body, how much training to do, and what kind of support he or she has. We should care for our walk with Christ in the same way. Be careful of what goes into our bodies, hearts, and minds by carefully choosing the influences around us and caring for our physical bodies so they are able to serve for God. If we choose to honor Him with our lives, we demonstrate  our respect for God and the life he chose for us.

Praise God for who he is.  Thank him for your blessings. Ask God to show you ways to honor Him with your life and to always help you see that you are a special creation made for a specific purpose.

Tuesday, September 24

Click here to listen to today's worship song.

Study- Read verses 15 and 16. It is so hard to imagine God being able to know every person ever created that personally! That's why it's called faith. We don't have to be able to fully understand it to believe it.  Like verse 15, Jeremiah 1:5 also tells us that before God even formed you in the womb He knew you. All of your days were planned for you. Some people have a hard time understanding this concept with the concept that God also gave us free will. God may give us a choice, but He knows our thoughts before we even think them. He knows what choices we will make and what path we will take. In His book they are written.

If God is in control of every aspect of our lives, why then did He not just make us love and follow Him? I had often thought about this myself. Then a friend gave me such an easy illustration. Would you want your husband or wife to be forced into a marriage with you, forced to love you, or do you want him or her to love and marry you because he or she wants to? I would choose the second option! God gave us the ability to choose Him. It is His greatest desire that we decide to love and follow Him because we want to, not because we are forced.

Praise God for who he is.  Thank him for your blessings. Pray for persistence in choosing to love and follow God.

Wednesday, September 25

Click here to listen to today's worship song.

Study- Read the whole passage again. We were each created by an Almighty, all-powerful, all-knowing God, and even as incredible as He is He chose to create us. Can you believe that He would put that much thought into your life? Well believe it because He did! You are fearfully and wonderfully made by a creator who desires a personal relationship with you. Choose Him, seek Him, honor Him, know that His grace is sufficient for you, His strength is made perfect in your weakness! (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Make a list of the gifts God gave you. Focus on those gifts in your life. Make another list of ways you can honor God with fearful respect and show him that you know you are wonderfully made in His image.

Praise God for who he is.  Thank him for your blessings. Ask God to continue to help you feel like His grace is sufficient for you and to help you live a life that is worthy of the gospel of Christ. (Philippians 1:27)


  1. The word fear in verse 14 comes from the Hebrew word "yara" which means awe, reverent respect, or honor but it is also used as a synonym in Hebrew for love, cling to, and serve. So to be fearfully made? We were made with honor. God was in awe of His creation. Or perhaps this is the other "yara" and it describes that we were made with love... That when God created us, he planned to cling to us, his masterpieces. Man, either way, makes me want to "yara" honor, "yara" respect, "yara" cling to, and "yara" serve him!

    1. Every girl wants someone to delight in her. God delights in us!

  2. I've thought a lot lately about the fact that God is all-knowing. That means that when he created humanity he already know we would fail. Through all his attempts to discipline his people and bring them back in the old testament, he already knew he was going to have to send his son to die for us. Would I want to try to conceive a child if I knew for sure before it was conceived that it was going to grow up to turn away from me and hurt me? Probably not. But would I stop loving the one I already have if I found out he was going to grow up to break my heart? Definitely not! I'd love him anyway. I think today's verse tells why he created us anyway, knowing that we would screw up-- because he already knew and loved us before he created us.


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