Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome to Confident In This!

Welcome to Confident In This, a blog created for the 10th grade girls at Faith Promise Blount Campus to encourage daily time with Jesus.  Others are welcome too, but the content of this blog will be specifically designed to help our girls seek God's will in the situations that we discuss during our small groups.  We pray that this daily devotion will be a blessing to our sweet girls who are rising up and standing out in the world.  We are excited to begin this journey of seeking God together!
Kayla, Kyna, Dee, and Miranda


  1. From Camryn: Bless all the ladies in our small group and I am so glad I have you all. I told Clay that we prayed for him and he was very glad. Everything went fine today. I hope everybody has a wonderful day!

    Revelation 1:3

    "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near."

    1. From Camryn: We found Mallory and Jaxson! Thank you for all your help and support!

    2. Yaaaaay!!! That's so fantastic! We'll continue to pray for the family as they hopefully begin to heal from the situation.


Fp Girls, please share what God is teaching you in your quiet time in the comments!
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