Welcome to Confident in This! Scroll to today's date for a worship song, guided scripture study, and prayer. Feel free to leave a comment! And come back tomorrow!
2 Corinthians 10:5- We destroy arguments and every lofty
opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to
obey Christ.
1 Samuel 16:7- But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on
his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him.
For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the
Lord looks on the heart.”
Song of Solomon 4:7- You are altogether beautiful, my love;
there is no flaw in you.
Proverbs 3:5- Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean
not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will
make your path straight.
Romans 12:2- Do not conform to the patter of this world, but
be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his
good, pleasing, and perfect will.
Thursday, October
Read the Corinthians verse above. This week is a
little different from the past blogs. While we will be reading scripture, we
will also be pulling in Joyce Meyer’s Power Thoughts. The goals of this
week are to help us take our thoughts captive, to strengthen our self-image, and
to further trust in the Lord. For this to be the most successful, take the
time to read the verses, write the day’s power thoughts on your mirror with an
erasable marker, and say them every time you pass your mirror or have a
negative thought. For each day, the power thoughts will be a part of the
prayer. We are commanded to obey God through our thoughts. We are supposed to
control our thoughts and take them captive in order to have positive,
encouraging thoughts and therefore have a positive self-image. This prepares us to support others as
What negative thoughts do I think about myself? (Write down
your answers in a journal this week.) What negative thoughts do I have about
Praise God for who he is. Thank him for your
blessings. Pray that God would show you areas of your life where you may
feel discouraged or have negative thoughts about yourself. Pray that God would
make these Power Thoughts a part of your life and your view of yourself: I am
difficult to offend. (I take captive only positive thoughts). I am content and
emotionally stable. (I am confident in myself. Others do not affect me).
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27)
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27)
Friday, October 4
Read the verse in Song of Solomon. In this verse, the author (unknown) is
talking to his soon to be wife. He tells her, “you are altogether beautiful my
love, there is no flaw in you.” Coincidentally, this is also what God thinks of
you. You were created in God’s image- perfection. God does not make ugly
things. What we think about ourselves, is what we think about God because we
reflect HIS image! Therefore, we
have no flaws.
What are the thoughts you have about yourself? What or who do
you compare yourself to? How do you view others? (Write down your answers
in a journal this week.)
Praise God for who he is. Thank him for your
blessings. Pray that God would help you to believe your beauty- the fact
that you are flawless! Pray that God would make these Power Thoughts a part of
your life and your view of yourself: I am disciplined and self-controlled. (I
determine my own view of self, not others). I will not live in fear (of perfection,
societal standards, others’ opinions).
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27)
Saturday, October 5
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27)
Saturday, October 5
Read the Samuel verse. In this verse, the Lord tells
Samuel that our outward appearance is not what matters, rather the state of our
heart and inward being. The Lord does not care what size we wear, if we have
our make-up on, or how tall we are. He cares about our heart and our reflection
of Him through our actions and daily walk. Make people want to know what sets
you apart from them and why you have the fire and glowing presence about you.
When someone looks at you, what do they see? Do your daily
actions make you beautiful? Do they reflect God or society? (Write your
answers in a journal this week.)
Praise God for who he is. Thank him for your
blessings. Pray that God would help you to realize your true beauty and
how to use it. Pray that God would make these Power Thoughts a part of your
life and your view of yourself: God loves me unconditionally! I pursue peace
with God, others, and myself.
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27)
Sunday, October 6
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27)
Sunday, October 6
Read the verse in Proverbs. We become what we think about
ourselves. What we fill our mind with and repeatedly tell ourselves becomes our
way of life and our way of thinking. By allowing others to influence what we
think about ourselves, we give up our personal rights to control our own self-esteem.
The one and only person that you can always go to and listen to is God! In
times of doubt, trust in God to pull you through and bring you the
encouragement that you need to hear. Like the verse suggests, do not lean on
your own understandings, rather focus on God’s view of you and he will
straighten out the bumps in your personal road.
Do you have personal standards for yourself? Do you
allow others to determine how you view yourself? If not, what do you do to
prevent this from happening? If you do, how can you keep being proactive?
(Write your answers in a journal this week.)
Praise God for who he is. Thank him for your
blessings. Pray that God would reveal to you exactly how beautiful you
are and his plans for you. Give your life to him and allow him to be the main
driver of your car of life! Pray that God would make these Power Thoughts a
part of your life and your view of yourself: I trust God completely. There is
no need to worry.
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27).
Monday, October 7
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27).
Monday, October 7
Today your Power Thought is a study point. Linked to the
verse Philippians 4:13, repeat this verse during weak times throughout the day: I can do whatever I need to do in life, through Christ. Even at your lowest
point in life, God will be there to lift you up and give you strength to move
forward. If you ever have a day where you do not feel pretty, worthy, or simply
as if you are exhausted and do not want to do anything- turn to God! He is our
rock, our strength, our encouragement, and he will always pull you through.
Continue to focus on the Power Thoughts that have been given
thus far. Think about and repeat each one. Have they been effective?
If you haven’t yet, implement these thoughts into your life and watch how they
positively change your life and your way of thinking. (Write your answers in a
journal this week.)
Praise God for who he is. Thank him for your
blessings. Pray over His guidance and your purity of thoughts. Make
each thought a heartfelt commitment to yourself and God. Live them out.
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27)
Tuesday, October 8
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27)
Tuesday, October 8
Read the Romans verse.
Power Thought: I put God first in my life. Along with taking our
thoughts captive, putting God first in your life creates a buffer between you and
the world. By utilizing Power Thoughts and understanding God’s beauty in you,
your power through Him, and his guidance, you will be able to ignore what the
world says about you and how you should be. Find three verses in the Bible that
teaches about putting God first in your life or the positive affects it has
once He is there! (GOOGLE and then underline them in your Bible.)
Is God truly first in your life? If not, what will you
do to get him there? If so, how can you keep him there? What does the Bible
say? (Write your answers in a journal this week.)
Praise God for who he is. Thank him for your
blessings. Pray that God would reveal any area of your life where you aren’t
embracing God’s will for you. Ask God to teach you to trust him and allow
changes to be made to allow Him to come first.
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27).
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians 1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind parallel to God's! (v.27).
Wednesday, October
9, 2013
Reread all of this week’s scripture. Power thought: I live in the present
and enjoy each moment. Your past is gone, you’ve been set free through the
salvation of Jesus Christ. All you can do now is look forward, and live in the
present. Each moment and experience has become a part of your life for a
reason. God is constantly testing our faith through situations he puts in front
of us. It is up to us to take our thoughts captive and see the good in every
person and situation. By taking our thoughts captive and feeling good about
ourselves through God, we will then be able to help build others up. By following God and aligning your
thoughts and actions to His, your witness and influence will be stronger.
Is there something you regret that you haven’t forgiven
yourself for? Do you believe that God is strong enough to cover that? How
can you help others to enjoy the present?
Praise God for who he is. Thank him for your
blessings. Thank him for you past and that you can now celebrate the
future. Pray that he uses the given Power Thoughts to transform your
This week in FpStudents, Zac talked about Philippians
1:27-30. Reread this scripture and review your notes. Throughout
the day, focus on your worth in Christ and on the earth. Make your mind
parallel to God's! (v.27)
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