Saturday, April 4, 2015

"God's Deliberate Plan"

Scripture: Acts 2:23
This man was handed over to you by God's deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross.
This is what is so amazing to me… The cross was not an accident and it wasn't a Plan B.  For the longest time, I thought that God looked down on us and said, "Son, this law stuff isn't working.  You're going to have to go down there."  That's so not true.

Instead, it was more like this.  God was designing creation and says to Jesus,  "I am going to make mankind and those people are going to be my masterpiece.  I am going to spend eternity in a relationship with them.  But I want them to choose me.  I love them so much I am going to let choice be a part of my plan.  I can already see what's going to happen though.  They're going to break my heart.  But I want to create them anyway because I have an idea… We'll let them have the choice and they'll choose to go their own way.  It's going to hurt, but it's the only way for them to eventually choose me.  When they mess up, they're going to feel shame because they were created to be in communion with me but won't be able to be… because you know, being perfect, I can't be united with that mess called sin.  So we'll give them commandments but they won't be able to keep them.  And do you know what that's going to do?  It's going to show them how much they need you (Romans 3:20).  They're going to realize there is NOTHING they can do to be good enough to be united with me again.  And that's where the really crazy part comes in.  At just the right time (Romans 5:6), I'm going to send you down there!  You're going to show them how to love by your example.  They're going to need it.  But then we're going to let them nail you to the cross.  And every single bit of their messy, disgusting sin is going to be dumped onto you.  Instead of them dying in their sin, you're going to take on the consequence for their sin and nail it to the cross (Colossians 2:14).  And I'm going to have to turn away, because I can't watch as the sin of the world is upon you.  But when you're hurting and lonely, remember the joy that is set before you (Hebrews 12:2).  The pain will only be temporary and then we get to spend eternity with these people we love so much!  I will create a new heaven and a new earth and we will get to spend eternity in perfect communion with our masterpiece… and this time they'll know the consequence of sin and they'll choose me instead.  I know it sounds crazy… but it's the only way."

And Jesus sits their nodding his head, looks up and meets God's eyes, and says, "Okay, let's do it."

The cross was never Plan B.  God intentionally created us, knowing we would be sinful, knowing what it would cost him.  But this is how much he loves us!  He created a deliberate plan to save us.  Today's verse doesn't really have an application because we don't have to do anything except accept this grace that is freely given.  And stand in awe of Him!

Lord God, what a crazy, brilliant, loving, amazing plan you had for creation!  Thank you for creating us, knowing that we would screw up.  And thank you for making a way for us to be with you anyway! I love you, Lord.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

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