Thursday, April 23, 2015

People Pleaser

Scripture: Galatians 1:10
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings or of God?  Or am I trying to please people?  If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

This scripture came up Tuesday night at my adult small group and then again last night at FpStudents, so I decided I better take a closer look at it.  A couple of years ago, when I first started having a real, regular quiet time, I came across this verse and thought, "Why have I never noticed this before?"  In fact, I have the word "WOW!" written in the margin.  I remember thinking, "Is it really all or nothing?" And over the past couple years, God has shown me that it really is.

Last night, Jayson really explained it well by saying that we are trying to please people, we are setting them up as an idol.  And of course, that means we have put them before God.  He went on to say that we become a slave to that person we are trying to please.  And that's really what this verse is saying, isn't it?  We can't serve two masters (Matthew 6:24)-- we must either choose wholehearted devotion to Christ's commission for our lives or to try to please people.

"Servant" here is also translated as "bondservant."  Under Mosaic law, if an indentured servant loved his master he could opt to stay his servant for life even after his period of slavery was over.  This is choosing to be enslaved-- choosing to belong to someone else.  But the thing is, if we don't choose to allow ourselves to belong wholeheartedly to Jesus, we are still enslaved-- but enslaved to people instead.

I am a people pleaser.  I am almost addicted to the rush of words of affirmation from others.  But like an addict, the rush doesn't last for long and then I go right back to looking for my next high.  It can consume me, and it can suffocate me.  It's a cheap thrill… a deceptive imitation of the affirmation I was created to thrive on.  God, created me for something so much better.  He created me exactly the way he wanted me to be.  He says, "You are enough because you are mine."  If I'll "fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith" (Hebrews 12:2), I'll see that I am adored and affirmed and approved by God… so much so that he gave his son to be with me.  And that's not a cheap thrill-- it is very costly.  But it is also living water-- I don't need to keep looking for another "hit."  It is enough.  He is enough.

Dear Lord, please take this need to please from me.  Help me to know that I am enough in your eyes.  Help me to focus my whole heart on you.  I am so tired of seeking approval from other people.  I am so tired of chasing my next fix.  I can't live that way anymore.  Fix my eyes on you, Lord.  I want to be your servant.  I want to do your will for my life.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

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