Friday, June 5, 2015

"Pray Continually"

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray continually.


That's it.  A verb and an adverb.  An action-- pray.  A description of how to do that action-- continually.  Continually is translated as "adealaptos" which means, "without intermission, incessantly, without ceasing, assiduously."

I was drawn to this simple scripture today for two reasons.  First of all, I've been struggling with prayer lately.  I get distracted so easily during a period of sustained prayer.  This morning I prayed that God would give me the discipline to focus during prayer and that he would meet me in a very real way during that time.  But I also feel that my sustained prayer time would be improved if I lived my daily life in a spirit of constant prayer.  And that's where this verse comes in.  I figured there are two ways that you can translate pray continually.  You could translate it as, "pray over and over until the prayer is answered."  Or you could translate it, "pray constantly."  I wanted to know which was the intended implication.  The word "adealaptos" definitely implies the second one… we are to be in a state of prayer at all times.

The second thing that drew me to this scripture was the fact that we started the book of Acts in the Bible Reading Plan this week.  I love the book of Acts.  It is such an awesome picture of the power that the church has when they join together their gifts for one purpose-- God's glory.  It just gets me energized!  It makes me think, "We can be this church!  Christ can still do miracles like that through us!"  But what were they doing when the Holy Spirit showed up with that kind of power?  Acts 1:14 says, "They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers."  It makes me wonder what miracles we miss because we are trying to do miracles ourselves instead of begging God to do them.

God, I love you.  You are amazing!  I beg you this morning to energize my prayer life.  Teach me to stay in a state of constant prayer.  Help me to focus during sustained prayer.  I want to see even more of your power in our church, Lord.  Help us all to focus on your strength and not our own.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

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