Scripture: Romans 4:20-21
Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he had promised.
This verse is talking about Abraham, who was a very old man still waiting for a child. God had promised him more descendants than he could count and to have an eternal convenient with his people (Genesis 17). But Abraham was over 100 years old and still waiting on that promise. That guy knew what waiting was. He knew what it was like to struggle to keep hoping. But this verse offers two options to those of us who are waiting on God to show up.
Option 1: Waver through Unbelief- This means "to withdraw, desert, oppose, hesitate, or doubt in faithlessness or weakness of faith." A few verses before this, scripture says that Abraham was "hoping against hope." Most of us would give up when the odds are stacked that much against what we're hoping for.
Option 2: Strengthen in Faith- This means "to increase in strength of conviction regarding one's relationship to God." This option also comes with an additional descriptor. It glorifies (or acknowledges the absolute perfection of) God.
So in any time of waiting we have these two options. We can allow that waiting to waver, resulting in weakness of faith. Or we can allow that waiting to strengthen, resulting in a straightening of our conviction and glorifying the Lord. So what factors play into what the outcome will be for us?
One is the enemy. His voice will be in our heads saying, "It's never going to happen. Something has gone wrong. God's plan won't be fulfilled. This is your fault anyway. Give it up." We've got to be careful to recognize this voice for what it is and take these thoughts captive. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
The other factor is the Holy Spirit. In Mark 9, a father asks for healing for his son. Jesus says, "Everything is possible if you belief." The father responds, "I do believe. Help me overcome my unbelief." And Jesus heals him. God is in the business of strengthening our faith. He will give us enough faith to sustain us. And that faith will grow in increasing measure as we wait on a promise to be fulfilled. We can ask for more faith. I think sometimes we are afraid to pray that prayer because we are afraid to admit to God that we're struggling to believe. Guess what? He knows. And he's so willing to hold us up, to sustain us, to give us our daily bread of faith to keep us going until the answer comes.
Dear Lord, you are amazing! I believe you have a plan that is exceedingly and abundantly more than what I am imagining right now. But I need your help in waiting. I need you to give me faith to sustain me. I want my faith to be strengthened as I wait. And I want to glorify you. Help me to do this. Help me to hope against hope. In Jesus name! Amen!
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