He must become greater; I must become less.
This verse was part of today's Fp Bible Plan. It comes when Jesus shows up and the people ask John the Baptist if he's upset that Jesus seems to be drawing all of his followers away. John the Baptist responds with this statement: "He must become greater; I must become less." He knew all along that his purpose was to prepare the way for Jesus. He was a walking billboard that pointed people towards the Lord through his every action.
I looked up the meaning of these verbs that are translated as "become greater" and "become less." "Become greater" was exactly what I expected it to be: increase, to make grow, the enlarge. But the translation for "become less" surprised me a little-- to lessen in rank or influence-- as in to demote, downgrade, relegate. Someone who used to be in a position of power and is now in a position of service. These are all words that describe what we are called to do in order to make room for Jesus to be greater in our lives.
Yesterday, my adult small group had a funny discussion on the whole "glass half full/ half empty" concept. Last night, I found this picture on Pinterest and texted it to my group:
Image from: www.danoah.com
This morning as I was thinking about this verse, this image came back into my mind. Technically, we are always full of something too. We are either full of ourselves, or we are full of Jesus. And in order to fit more Jesus in, we have to empty ourselves out.
Now, here's the problem that I'm guilty of. You know when you buy a bag of potato chips and you really get half a bag of air? The label says potato chips but that's only half true of what's inside. I'm afraid I do the same type of advertising with my Jesus fullness. I slap a label on myself that says, "Jesus Girl" but still I'm not full of Jesus. I have too much of myself still taking up space within me. And therefore, I end up with this inauthentic version of who God created me to be.
I was created to BE full to the brim with Jesus. I was not created to just LOOK full of Jesus on the outside. Putting on a show isn't going to cut it. I MUST become less so that He can become GREATER within me. I have to EMPTY myself out so that he can FILL me. I have to be DEMOTED to servant so that he can be PROMOTED to complete control over my life. I can't just say I'm for him… I have to be full of him!
Dear Lord, you are so awesome! You are worthy of being the greatest in my life. Lord, help me to empty myself out so that I can be full of you. I don't want to just look like I'm yours. I want to be completely yours in an authentic way. I want to point people to you with every aspect of my life. Lord, I know that is only by really emptying myself that I can show who you are to other people. In Jesus' name! Amen!
Confident in this…
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