Scripture: 1 Peter 3: 3-5
Your adornment must not be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves.
Yesterday at Faith Promise, we started a series called #NoFilter. Pastor Zac talked about being real with God. He said, "God cannot bless who you pretend to be. He cannot anoint your avatar. He cannot sanctify your selfie. He cannot minister to your mask." I can see where we're going with this series. I'm sure we'll get to the point where we talk about how God cannot use us to reach others when we aren't being authentic. See, this is something the Lord has been trying to teach me for a long time. At the beginning of the year, when Pastor Chris asked us to pray about a word for the year, the Lord gave me the word "authentic."
I have a filter problem. I'm constantly "adorning" myself with whatever filter I feel like will be accepted in a given situation. This verse talks about adorning yourself with braids and jewelry and dresses, but I definitely hide behind other filters.
And none of these filters allow the real version of me to show completely. In fact, being completely honest, I'm not exactly sure what that person looks like. I've been filtering so long that I'm a little unsure what's authentic and what's not.
I was surprised to find that the word "adornment" in this verse is translated as "kosmos." Remember that word from the "Fun House" series? (The whole world (kosmos) is under the control of the evil one. 1 John 5:19). This "adornment," this filter, this made-up version of me, is of the world. It's defined by worldly affairs. It's not God's intended version of me.
It's scary to pray that God strips away the layers of masks and filters because I'm not sure what I'll find underneath. I hope I find a woman with "the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit." That seems almost laughable because that's such a different picture than the person I feel like I am. But if there's one thing I've learned is that one of the hardest parts of believing God is believing that I am who he says I am. So I'm going to trust that woman exists somewhere within me.
And as I said before, I know where this series is going. And when we get to that part about letting God use the real me for his glory, I want the real me to be ready. So, as scary as it is, this morning I pray…
Lord, you are amazing! I can trust you. And so this morning I am trusting you in revealing the person you made me to be. God, please peal away the layers of filters I've put on myself to try to impress or satisfy other people. I know you cannot bless who I pretend to be. And I want your blessing, Lord. I also know that my filters are getting in the way of the full potential you created me for in glorifying you. Let me be real. Let me be authentic. In Jesus' name! Amen!
Confident in this...
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