Friday, May 8, 2015

"I Chose You"

Scripture: John 15:16
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
This is a verse that I look at a couple of months ago but with Pastor Chris talking about using our gifts this past weekend and then plans to do a spiritual gifts inventory this weekend at Fuel, I wanted to look at it again.  So often, we act like serving is optional.  And because of that, we opt out.  We keep making excuses such as, "I'll do it when I grow a little more... I don't think I'm quite ready spiritual to lead other people yet…  I've got so much going on right now… I probably wouldn't be effective anyway."

"I chose you"- Missions are our mandate!  Reaching lost people is the reason we are here.  It's not something that we can just opt out of.

"And appointed you"- God ordained you for work that only you can do.  If you aren't doing it, it's not getting done.

"Go and bear fruit"- If you refer back to verse 5 you see that the only source of power to bear fruit is the vine.  We cannot do it on our own power.  So if you are saying, "I'm not quite strong enough to serve," well of course you're not.  None of us is.  But God is strong enough to give you what you need.

"Fruit that will last"- Want your life to be used for something that really matters?  Let the Lord use it to make an eternal impact!

"Whatever you ask in my name"- There is power in the name of Jesus!  But I think sometimes we are afraid to ask.  I know I am.  And a lot of times it's because I'm afraid of where he might send me.  But I've learned, he's sending me anyways.  Just like with Jonah, the Lord will have his way when it comes to our mission.  And we can decide whether its going to take a big fish get us to to Nineveh or if we are going to go there directly.

A few months ago when I looked at this verse, I wrote this question:

What do you learn from stepping out and doing something that you are called to but completely unequipped to do by your own strength?

Since then, the Lord has answered this question over and over.  I'm learning to take a scary step out of a limb when God calls me out there.  I'm learning to pray over things instead of trying to do them in my own power.

Sometimes I've learned that by looking at the size of the mission and then saying, "I can't but you can!"

Other times, I've learned it by trying to do it myself and the realizing I'm in way to deep and had to back up and say, "Lord, I'm sorry I tried to do it on my own.  Help me here!"

Probably the hardest mission for me to follow through on is when the Lord says, "Stop and pray with her."  It's so scary to do that!  No matter how many times I do it, it still makes my heart race and makes me shake.  When someone at work is worked up over family problems… even when someone from my small group calls in crisis… praying out loud with that person seems so intimate and scary and outside of my comfort zone.  But I know it is the best response in those situations.  And I know the Lord empowers me with all I need in order to do that.  And that he uses that for his glory.

And I have one purpose: God's glory.

Dear God, you are awesome!  I can hardly believe that you chose me.  But thank you for choosing me while I am still sinful.  I thank you for using me to do way more than I could possibly ever do myself.  God, help me to work in your power, not my own.  Help me to make a difference for you.  Help me to remember that my only purpose is your glory.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Confident in this…

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