Sunday, May 31, 2015

"I Chose You"

Scripture: John 15:16
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.


This week, while we were at the beach, something really cool happened.  Jimmy, Clark, and I had gone out to dinner and while we were out, Jimmy and I got into an argument.  (That's not the cool part.)  I know what was happening… the enemy saw that things were going well on the trip and decided to attack where I wasn't expecting it… my marriage.  (I also must admit that he used me to do it… the argument was completely my fault.)  

But as we were driving home, the car overflowing with tension, Clark sat in the back seat coloring.  Suddenly, he looked up and said, "Dada, have you asked Jesus into your heart?"  Jimmy said that he had.  Then he asked, "Mommy, have you asked Jesus into your heart?"  I said I had too.  Then he asked, "What happens when you ask Jesus into your heart?"  We both explained to him that it means you ask Jesus to forgive your sin so that you get to live with Jesus in heaven forever and that he lives in your heart here on earth and is your friend and helps you each day.  Then he said, "Dada, will you show me the prayer to ask Jesus into my heart?"  And so Jimmy led him in that prayer.  And it was awesome!

He's a couple months short of five years old.  We know that he has a long way to go when it comes to fully understanding sin and grace.  But that same day the Bible Reading Plan included John 15:16-- "I chose you."  That moment of Clark accepting that Jesus has chosen him made it abundantly clear that our salvation-- the timing, the means, everything-- is completely in God's control.  That tug on Clark's little heart came out of no where.  The enemy thought he was winning in the car at that moment and that's the moment God chose to win the ultimate victory with Clark.  He wins!  Every time!  

A couple months ago, Pastor Chris asked us to write down our "Ten Most Wanted" and pray for their salvation.  Clark was my #1.  And God is faithful!  

Dear Lord, you are awesome!  Thank you so much for working on Clark's heart!  I am so thankful that you are in control and that your timing is perfect.  I pray that little prayer that Clark prayed would be the beginning of an awesome life-long journey of knowing and loving you.  I pray that you would do amazing works through him.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

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