Monday, July 20, 2015

Where's My Ministry?

Philippians 2:1-11
Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.

This past week, we have been at Movement Conference, for which the theme was "We Are ONE."  During that time, we became the church-- the way God intended it to be.  We became on in surrender, sacrifice, praise, prayer, faith, and mission.  Lord God, help us to continue in that unity!  But look at all of the different ways that this verse describes that concept of "oneness":
  • united (vs. 1)
  • common (vs. 1)
  • sharing (vs. 1)
  • like-minded (vs. 2)
  • same (vs. 2)
  • one (in spirit) (vs. 2)
  • one (of mind) (vs. 2)
This verse is jam-packed with "We are one!"  And now, look at what this passage says is going to happen out of our oneness: We can have the same mind-set as Christ Jesus (vs. 5):
  • love (vs. 1 & 2)
  • tenderness (vs. 1)
  • compassion (vs. 1)
  • humility (vs. 3 & 8)
  • servant (vs. 7)
  • obedient (vs. 8)

Those are the attributes of people that are going to make an eternal impact!  Those are the ones who are going to stand out.  Those are the students are going to bring Jesus into their schools. Those are the ones who are going to make a difference.  Because Christ Jesus' mindset was focused on the eternal.  Every move he made was decided through the filter of this question, 
"What is going to bring the most glory to God in this moment?"

What if we made that question our filter?  Verses 9-11 tell us what would happen.  All our friends would be confessing Jesus' name as savior!  And God would get every last drop of the glory from our daily lives!  

This week at Movement, three of our Blount guys surrendered to a call to ministry!  Praise the Lord!  I can't help but wonder if a few others may have felt God urging them towards that call.  I remember being in middle school at a youth conference and wondering if maybe I was hearing God's call on my life too.  But I was afraid to answer… and I was afraid to mention it to anyone.  I was immediately flooded with excuses.  "I'm too young… I'm a girl… I don't know enough…"

As I got older, I continued ignoring it.  And the list of reasons not to surrender just got longer.  "I've got too many issues… If I really was really supposed to do ministry, I wouldn't have messed up like this?…"

And even as an adult, and even after I started volunteer ministry at FP, I could hear voices in my head, holding me back from my full potential, from surrender. "I'm too busy with my family… with teaching… with class… with my book… God probably wants to use someone who has more time to do full-time ministry."

But guess what, FpStudents?  It's been a year and the Lord hasn't shown us who our full-time youth minister is yet.  But you know what he has done instead?  He's taken those people in our church who are in vocational ministry, Matt and Carmen and Miles and Michelle, and he's expanded their potential to minister just like Jesus multiplied the fish and loaves.  He's taken Lanny and I, who both felt a calling to something more, and placed us somewhere that he could use us for more than we imagined we could be used for.  He's used our small group leaders as pastors in a capacity beyond what they had been before.  He's called some of our students to ministry and they've began serving and ministering to their peers through internships and volunteer positions and just quiet acts of service that no one sees.

All those excuses I have heard for years, those are voices from the enemy!  God's voice says, "I can use you RIGHT NOW!  I have immeasurably more than you can imagine in mind!  Just do whatever is going to bring me the most glory right now… Keep your focus on the eternal… and I, in my infinite power, will move through you."

Guys, maybe the Lord is calling you to vocational ministry down the road.  If so, I pray that you wouldn't hesitate to surrender to that calling.  But the Lord is calling ALL of us to a mindset like Jesus right now… to a life of service.  So if you are like me and let the voice of the enemy hold you back for way too long… surrender.  He has a purpose and a ministry for ALL of us!  Right now!  Ask him what yours is.  Maybe your ministry is service to your family… maybe its service in your school… maybe its service on your team… maybe its service at church…maybe its something else.  But ask him… and then surrender to it!

When we surrender to a "Galatians 2:20" life...
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me…"

That's when we see our "Ephesians 3:30" life come into focus.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.


Rejoice, pray, give thanks… This is the recipe for a purpose-driven life according to 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.  But I don't think I understood the full intended meaning of each of those words.  

Rejoice always!  Be exceedingly glad!  Thrive in this life!  Don't just exist in it.  Is every moment of my life about thriving?  No.  Too often I am just living, or waiting, or existing-- but we all called to rejoice!  We are called to a life of thriving!
Pray continually!  Live in a constant spirit of prayer!  This is closely linked to rejoicing because if we are in constant connection to the one who gives us joy, we will be rejoicing!  We will be thriving!
Give thanks in all circumstances!  Be grateful no matter what happens!  Trust that what is happening is within God's control and that we will make good purpose out of it.  And therefore, we can be thankful! And again, we can rejoice!  We can thrive in him!
Why do we do all these things?  Because it is "God's will."  This translates as "thelema," meaning "the purpose of God to bless mankind through Christ."  God wants to bless us!  That's his goal in telling us to rejoice, pray, and give thanks!  Through those three things, he blesses us.  Through those three things, our life becomes less about existing and more about thriving!

God, you are amazing!  I desperately desire a life of thriving!  Please constantly remind me to rejoice, pray, and give thanks, so that you can accomplish your purpose in me.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Purpose of Freedom

Scripture: Galatians 5:13-14
NIV: You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Message: It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows. For everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That’s an act of true freedom.

Today is Independence Day-- the day that we as a country celebrate freedom.  We, as Americans, are given the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  We are given freedoms of speech, press, assembly, and religion.  I am so thankful for those rights.  It's because of those that I can share my faith of the internet like this.  I have no idea why God saw fit to put me right here-- in the U.S., in Maryville, TN, in Faith Promise Church, in my sweet family.  I am so thankful for all of that... but its hard for me to look at the world and wonder why I have so many freedoms when others do not.  I don't understand why my blessings look so much different from other people's.  But what I do know is that God "marked out [our] appointed times in history and the boundaries of [our] lands" (Acts 17:27).  In other words, he has me right here, right now for a purpose.  So what is that purpose?

Galatians 5:13-14 tells us that we are called to freedom.  Although we as Americans, have certain freedoms, we as Christ-followers define that freedom differently.  We are called to a higher standard.  Our freedom is not to do or say whatever we want.  Instead, our freedom is the freedom to show love in everything we do.  In this verse, Paul writes that everything else is summed up in that: love.  That is the freedom Christ modeled in his life and the freedom that He died to show us.  If we are followers of Christ, the purpose of our freedom is to show love to other people through humble service.

God, you are amazing!  Your plan for humanity is just amazing!  Thank you so much loving us so much!  Thank you for freedom.  I pray that you would help me use that freedom that I have to humbly serve others and show your love.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Soft Reboot

Psalm 1:2-3
But whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

Two years ago in June was when I really got planted.  I started having a regular quiet time, I started delighting in His law, and I started meditating on what he had to say.  But for the past couple of weeks, something has happened that has taken me by surprise.  I thought this time was set, almost as if it was within me.  I thought my delight was such that my time with the Lord was an appointment within my soul and not a discipline established by my alarm clock.  But then the summer slide happened.

When it started, I was going through a rough time emotionally, and I just thought I needed to spend more time in prayer.  I didn't feel emotionally equipped to dig into the word or especially to share what I was learning.  So I spent several days of my quiet time just praying.  But slowly those prayers got shorter and then I wasn't reserving any time at all for the Lord.  I was just tossing up a couple pleas for help throughout the day.  And although I know the Lord delights in our cries for help in times of brokenness, my soul needs to be plugged in to the source of its strength during that brokenness.  In just a couple of weeks, I went from planted to withering.

Today, I had to set my alarm because I have to work.  And so as I always do during the school year, I set it for two hours before I have to be somewhere (one hour with Jesus and one hour to get ready and get there.)  When I opened by Bible Reading Plan, I saw that today is the day that Psalms starts over.  Today is a perfect day for a restart of my quiet time.

In the technology world, there are two ways to restart a machine… a hard reboot or a soft reboot.  A hard reboot means you have to completely unplug from the power source so that the machine initiates all over again.  A soft reboot doesn't require you to unplug from the power source.  Today, I need a soft reboot of my quiet time.  I need to start all over on my end, but no matter what happens, I am NEVER disconnected from my power source.  No matter how far I go, that power source won't let go of me.  If you know Jesus, there are no more hard restarts!  

Does anyone else need to reboot today?  Maybe you have gotten out of your routine because of summer.  Maybe you got distracted by hard times.  Maybe things were going so great that you became apathetic.  Maybe your quiet time has been going great this summer but you just want to recommit to that focus this morning.  If so, please join me in this reboot prayer.

Dear Lord, you are so awesome!  Thank you that you are always there even when I am distracted or rebellious or apathetic.  God, I am sorry that I let this time with you go.  I am so thirsty.  I so badly want to be replanted by your streams.  I want my power to be in you.  So today I start over.  Today, I need a reboot from you.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Control Freak

Scripture: Exodus 14:14
The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.


This scripture is when God's people have just left Egypt.  They are standing on the bank of the Red Sea screaming at Moses that they would have been better off just staying slaves.  It's the first of many times that the nation of Israel freaks out on him.  And it is the first time God shows up and shows his people that they can rely completely on him for every need.  The people are trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh's army and Moses tells them, "Be still (or be quiet, in some translations) and let God fight for you."  And he raises his staff and then a dry path opens up across the sea.  And God's people walk across on dry land, while Pharaoh's army is covered by rushing waters when they follow.


I noticed something this morning.  When I look at my Bible, a lot of the verses I've underlined and pondered are ones about God's peace.  I tend to skim over parts about being uncomfortable, persevering, putting it all out there, letting myself get into situations where God has to show up.  I want to get to the rescue part… the part that is comfortable.
“But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.” --Francis Chan (Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God)
I'm not very good at being uncomfortable.  I have this "first world problems" mindset in which I think there should be an immediate solution to everything.  In the past week, I've spent quite a bit of time wrestling.  I've wrestled with believing God, with pride, with insecurity, and with letting go of control.  And the more I prayed, the more uncomfortable I was feeling.

When I pray, I want peace to be instantaneous.  I want to feel God's calm wash over me immediately.  But God knew that's not what I needed at that moment.  The Israelites could have gone through Philistine country and had a shorter journey (Exodus 13:17) but God knew that was not what they needed at that moment.  He instead led them to the edge of the Red Sea.  He led them to a place where they were uncomfortable.  But he didn't leave them there.  He came through for them in a magnificent way.

So if God is going to eventually bring us that peace, why does he need to bring us to that place of discomfort first?  The answer is found in Exodus 14:4, "But I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord."

I can't stand being out of control.  I want to fix things.  I want to check things off my list.  I want to please people.  And I can't stand that about myself.  Because when I'm sitting there trying to be enough, I'm not letting myself sit at the point of uncomfortable.  And as long as I'm focused on fighting for myself or for other people, I'm not completely surrendered to Him.  I'm not in a position in which my entire being depends on him coming through.

So I think that's why I am still left wrestling.  It's myself I am wrestling against.  It's not that the Lord hasn't shown up to give me that peace.  He is just saying, "Be still and let me fight for you."  But "still" is such an uncomfortable place for me.  And yet I want to get there.  I want to be okay with uncomfortable because I know that is the place of complete faith… the place where intimacy with the Lord is greatest… the place where he can use me for his glory… the place where it stops being all about me… the place where my mindset becomes like that of Christ.  His life was never comfortable.

God, you are amazing!  You show up every single time.  Lord, I want to stop wrestling you for control.  Help me to learn to settle in that uncomfortable place and let you fight for me.  I want my life to be all about glorifying you… not about being comfortable.  But that's a hard thing to pray.  Because it's so scary.  You have to come through... But I know you always do.  Thank you for your relentless love.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Waver or Strengthen

Scripture: Romans 4:20-21
Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he had promised.


This verse is talking about Abraham, who was a very old man still waiting for a child.  God had promised him more descendants than he could count and to have an eternal convenient with his people (Genesis 17).  But Abraham was over 100 years old and still waiting on that promise.  That guy knew what waiting was.  He knew what it was like to struggle to keep hoping.  But this verse offers two options to those of us who are waiting on God to show up.

Option 1: Waver through Unbelief-  This means "to withdraw, desert, oppose, hesitate, or doubt in faithlessness or weakness of faith."  A few verses before this, scripture says that Abraham was "hoping against hope."  Most of us would give up when the odds are stacked that much against what we're hoping for.

Option 2: Strengthen in Faith- This means "to increase in strength of conviction regarding one's relationship to God."  This option also comes with an additional descriptor.  It glorifies (or acknowledges the absolute perfection of) God.

So in any time of waiting we have these two options.  We can allow that waiting to waver, resulting in weakness of faith.  Or we can allow that waiting to strengthen, resulting in a straightening of our conviction and glorifying the Lord.  So what factors play into what the outcome will be for us?

One is the enemy.  His voice will be in our heads saying, "It's never going to happen.  Something has gone wrong.  God's plan won't be fulfilled.  This is your fault anyway.  Give it up."  We've got to be careful to recognize this voice for what it is and take these thoughts captive.  2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

The other factor is the Holy Spirit.  In Mark 9, a father asks for healing for his son.  Jesus says, "Everything is possible if you belief."  The father responds, "I do believe.  Help me overcome my unbelief." And Jesus heals him.  God is in the business of strengthening our faith.  He will give us enough faith to sustain us.  And that faith will grow in increasing measure as we wait on a promise to be fulfilled.  We can ask for more faith.  I think sometimes we are afraid to pray that prayer because we are afraid to admit to God that we're struggling to believe.  Guess what?  He knows.  And he's so willing to hold us up, to sustain us, to give us our daily bread of faith to keep us going until the answer comes.

Dear Lord, you are amazing!  I believe you have a plan that is exceedingly and abundantly more than what I am imagining right now.  But I need your help in waiting.  I need you to give me faith to sustain me.  I want my faith to be strengthened as I wait.  And I want to glorify you.  Help me to do this.  Help me to hope against hope.  In Jesus name!  Amen!

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Pain in the Blessing

Scripture: Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.


Yesterday's message by Pastor Chris was one of the most powerful and profound I've ever heard.  Please watch it if you missed it yesterday.  It's such an important thing that hardly anyone ever talks about.  One of his main points in the message was when we say, "It's all good," that's a lie.  Here on this broken, troubled earth, everything isn't good.  We have a lot of pain.  And often time our pain comes in the process of an answered prayer.  He gave the example of Rachel who died giving birth to Benjamin, who was to be an answer to her long-time prayer.  That's so true isn't it?  That many times life comes along with death.  Growth walks right beside pain.

The pain, the brokenness, the heartache, the secrets, the shame… This is the part of our story we are afraid to tell-- either because we don't want to let people see our darkness or because we don't trust that God is working in those circumstances.  But here's the truth.  God works it all together for our good.  And what is ultimately good for us?  A life that glorifies Him!  And He is glorified when we tell the story of how He used our brokenness and turned it into something beautiful.

Pastor Chris asked the question, "What are you going to name it?"  Rachel wanted to name Benjamin "Ben-Oni" which means "Son of My Sorrow."  But Jacob named "Benjamin" which means "Son of My Right Hand."  Although he was in so much pain, having just lost Rachel, whom he loved so much, he didn't want Benjamin's entire life story to be hinged on his pain.  He wanted to give him a name that would recognize that he was a blessing, even though there was pain in the offering.

I think this resonated so strongly with me because acknowledging that things aren't all good all the time is comforting.  We so often hear Christians talk about being so blessed-- and we truly are-- but when that blessing is so often defined by a list of all the good that's happening, we start to wonder why we have so much pain sprinkled in with our blessings that others don't seem to have.  The truth is, we all have pain-- a lot of it.  But I am confident that God is going to use it as part of his good.  That's why I say that I am blessed.  Because being blessed doesn't depend on how many good things there are in my life.  And having pain and hurt doesn't mean I'm not.  Things may not be good.  But He is good.

We've got some stuff going on right now.  Who doesn't, right?  But in that circumstance, I've already seen God work.  He's removed masks and open the door for honest conversations.  He's revealed realizations to bring healing from past emotional wounds.  That doesn't mean I don't beg him to let this storm be over as soon as possible.  I do.  I want the pain to end.  But I already see how he is using it for his purpose.  And acknowledging his faithfulness in the pain brings hope to sustain me.

As it does so often, this song came to mind this morning-- especially the second verse.  No matter which seems to be dominating our circumstances at any given moment-- the good or the pain-- He is good.  His plan is good.  He is working it all together for our good.

Prayer:  Blessed by your name, Lord!  You are good all the time.  Thank you for everything you are doing in my life.  I trust that you have a plan for my circumstances and that you are working them all for your good.  Help me to use this to glorify you.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

We Keep Waiting...

Scripture: Romans 8:25
But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.


When I think of waiting, it reminds me of my childhood.  My aunt, uncle, and cousin lived in Alabama and we only saw them every few months.  When they would come to visit, I remember waiting eagerly for them to get to our house.  I can picture my sister and I pressing our noses against the glass on the front door of our Scenic Drive house looking out and waiting for them to arrive.

I remember waiting outside that same door for my big sister to arrive.  My dad had been in Guatemala for about 6 weeks and my mom for a week or so, working out the final arrangements for her adoption.  I remember pacing up and down the sidewalk with excitement to meet my big sister for the first time.  I remember anticipating her arrival as a miracle, because it was so extraordinary that a first child would get a big sister.  We had waited for months, and now the last few minutes seemed like an eternity.

I remember waiting waiting for my friends to come over-- I think it was my 9th birthday-- to have a glamour shots sleep over party.  Mom had hung a backdrop and bought make-up and found old prom dresses and plugged in every curling iron and set of hot rollers she could get her hands on.  And I couldn't wait to tease our hair, put on bright lipstick, and pose for the camera.

There is a difference in this kind of waiting and the kind that is described in Romans 8:25 though.  The verse right before it says, "But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?"  In all of these circumstances, I "already had" the thing I was waiting on.  Barring something completely tragic happening, I knew for certain those things were coming.  I was just waiting on time to pass but I knew the outcome I was hoping for was in fact coming.

The kind of waiting that Romans 8:25 is describing is waiting with full confidence even though we have no idea what the outcome will be.  The Blue Letter Bible translates the word patiently as "the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and loyalty by even the greatest trials and suffering."  In other words, no matter what struggle we're going through, we wait.  We wait with deliberate purpose-- our eternal purpose-- God's glory.

When we've been praying for healing for a family member's emotional scars as long as we can remember, we keep waiting…
When we've been praying for the war between our parents to end forever, we keep waiting…
When we've been praying for our loved one's deliverance from addiction for years, we keep waiting...
When we've been praying for the cancer to go away, we keep waiting…
When we've been praying for the relationship we've always desired, we keep waiting…
When we've been praying for a child, we keep waiting…
When we've been praying for our dream job, we keep waiting…
When we've been praying for our own deliverance from depression or anxiety or insecurity, we keep waiting...

...with full confidence of God's deliberate purpose.  We keep waiting… with that same anticipation… with our noses pressed up against the glass.

God, please give me that kind of patience!  I want the kind of patience that doesn't even swerve when times get hard.  I was to keep true to my "deliberate purpose and loyalty"-- your glory.  God, grow me beyond just hoping when I am pretty sure what the outcome will be.  Teach me to trust even when I can't see your plan at all.  Help me to keep waiting with full confidence.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Monday, June 8, 2015


Scripture: Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.


Last Sunday, Pastor Chris talked about "destination disease," not being able to celebrate one accomplishment for look towards the next one.  Yesterday in small group, we started looking at Ecclesiastes and how everything we do with earthly motives is meaningless.  Then in church yesterday, Pastor Micah talked about how Leah and Rachel were both constantly looking for fulfillment in what the other one had.  I think I see a theme developing, don't you?  And I feel like in all of that the Lord is speaking right to me.

I STRUGGLE with this.  A lot of times I feel like I'm living a life FULL of joyful moments but somehow that doesn't add up to a joyous life.  The past couple of weeks have been amazing.  I've gotten to spend so much time with my family and do things that I love and rest… so many moments marked by joy.  But then, there is the list of "if-thens" that factor in to the equation that keep it from adding up to a life defined by joy.  I simultaneously want summer to never end because I'm having so much fun and enjoying my family and rest and then can't wait for it to end because then my degree and my book will both be finished and I'll have my class and be a teacher again.  Ugh!  I'm such a mess.  I just want to feel contentment.  I just want to feel joy that's not contingent upon anything else being checked off my list.

And compounding that, I feel shame for feeling that way.  I know that my joy should be found in the Lord and am not sure how to relinquish this over to him.  I don't really know what that looks like.  But I really want to.  I want to trust the Lord with my whole path of life-- even if he only gives me the next turn to take.  I want his joy to define me.  I want to rest in his presence.  I want to responsibly manage my to-do list without anxiety about what's left on it to suck the life out of me.  I want to learn to be content even when there are things left undone… because there always will be.  I want the sum of my joyful moments to equal a joyous life.

Dear God, I need all kinds of help with this.  I don't even really know what that help will look like.  But Lord, please show me what I need to hear from you.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Gamaliel's Monologue

Scripture: Acts 5:34-39
But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while.  Then he addressed the Sanhedrin: “Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men.  Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing.  After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.  But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”

This passage comes when the apostles were first put into jail but the Lord opened the door to the jail during the night and the next morning they were standing out on the steps preaching the gospel again.  I am thankful for Gamaliel's little monologue here because it makes a great point.  Lots of people have started rebellions and sects and whatnot.  But usually after their leader dies, the group fizzles out.  

But look at what's happening there.  Just a little while after Jesus' death.  The number of disciples has grown tremendously, with new people adding to their number every day (Acts 5:14.)  And what's even more amazing is that here we are 2000 years later still continuing the ministry of Jesus!

Not only is this passage a great argument for the validity of the gospel but it also teaches us an important and empowering point.  First let me ask you a question.  In the words of Robert H. Schuller, "What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?"  Well guess what?  You cannot fail.  Psalm 46:5 says, "God is within her, she will not fall."  Plans made from human origin will die out.  But it is God's desire that we glorify him.  So every attempt we make to do so is empowered by him.  And it's solid.  

So why do we let fear dominate us so much when it comes to spreading the Word?  It's silly really.  He's been empowering the dissemination of the gospel for over 2000 years.  Why would we think it's going to fail with us?  It's not.  

Dear Lord, you are amazing!  Thank you for preserving the gospel for so long.  I pray that you would use me to further it even more.  Help me to do your work fearlessly.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Friday, June 5, 2015

"Pray Continually"

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray continually.


That's it.  A verb and an adverb.  An action-- pray.  A description of how to do that action-- continually.  Continually is translated as "adealaptos" which means, "without intermission, incessantly, without ceasing, assiduously."

I was drawn to this simple scripture today for two reasons.  First of all, I've been struggling with prayer lately.  I get distracted so easily during a period of sustained prayer.  This morning I prayed that God would give me the discipline to focus during prayer and that he would meet me in a very real way during that time.  But I also feel that my sustained prayer time would be improved if I lived my daily life in a spirit of constant prayer.  And that's where this verse comes in.  I figured there are two ways that you can translate pray continually.  You could translate it as, "pray over and over until the prayer is answered."  Or you could translate it, "pray constantly."  I wanted to know which was the intended implication.  The word "adealaptos" definitely implies the second one… we are to be in a state of prayer at all times.

The second thing that drew me to this scripture was the fact that we started the book of Acts in the Bible Reading Plan this week.  I love the book of Acts.  It is such an awesome picture of the power that the church has when they join together their gifts for one purpose-- God's glory.  It just gets me energized!  It makes me think, "We can be this church!  Christ can still do miracles like that through us!"  But what were they doing when the Holy Spirit showed up with that kind of power?  Acts 1:14 says, "They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers."  It makes me wonder what miracles we miss because we are trying to do miracles ourselves instead of begging God to do them.

God, I love you.  You are amazing!  I beg you this morning to energize my prayer life.  Teach me to stay in a state of constant prayer.  Help me to focus during sustained prayer.  I want to see even more of your power in our church, Lord.  Help us all to focus on your strength and not our own.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


In yesterday's post, I talked about the importance of practicing praise.  I referenced Pastor Chris's sermon this past week in which he talked about Bethel being a place of remembrance.  He told us we need to learn to encourage ourselves in the Lord by remembering the times he has been faithful.

In 1 Samuel 7:12, the Bible says, "Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen.  He named it Ebenezer saying, "Thus far the Lord has helped us."  This morning I made a map of the Ebenezers in my life-- the points that I can look back and remember that the Lord has brought me this far.  The points that I can remember when I need to encourage myself in the Lord.

I know it is hard to read, but it was really more for the purpose of encouraging myself in the Lord than for the purpose of testimony.  However, if any of you FpStudent girls want to hear my testimony, if you want me to tell you about my Ebenezers, lets sit down and talk this summer.  I'd be glad to tell you what the Lord has done in my life-- in more detail than I wrote about here.

This is by no means comprehensive God has done a zillion little every day miracles that don't show up on the map.  And I know that as Pastor Chris pointed out on Sunday, He's done a bazillion other miracles that I never even noticed.

I encourage you all to make your own list of Ebenezers.  It can be a map, a timeline, a list, a web, whatever.  Just take the time to look back at the times that "the Lord has brought you this far."  As we continue in our "Cool Story, Bro" series, it's important that we think about our own stories and how the Lord has brought us to where we are so that we can use that story to glorify Jesus!

(FpStudents and Leaders- If you write down your Ebenezers and wouldn't mind me sharing them on here, please send me the picture.  I think we can all be encouraged in the Lord by seeing the miracles in each other's lives.)

Monday, June 1, 2015

"I Will Remember"

Scripture: Psalm 77:11
I will remember the deeds of the Lord; Yes I will remember your miracles of long ago.


Yesterday, Pastor Chris talked about going back to Bethel (as Jacob did in Genesis 35.)  His first point was that Bethel is a place of remembrance.  He said we must learn to encourage ourself in the Lord by remembering what he has done.  Yesterday, my husband's cousin posted on Facebook, "Two things I am completely grateful for.  That God's grace and mercy is renewed every day.  Second the love of family and friends.  Without either this time would just be too much to bear."  Her mom is very sick… just barely hanging on.  And yet she is praising the Lord.  She knows how to encourage herself in the Lord by remembering what he has done for her.

But praising in the storm is not easy.  In fact, I think we have to practice daily praise so that it is our habit to praise him when life gets hard.  We have to go back to Bethel daily, praising Him for who He is and thanking Him for what He has done needs to be part of every morning.  Because the "halal" life flows from this.  We praise until praise takes over and defines us.  And then we can praise no matter what is happening.

So this morning, I am praying that the Lord would remind me of all the miracles that I've seen him do in my life.  In one of Beth Moore's books, I think it was Believing God, she talked about drawing a map of your "ebenezers."  In 1 Samuel 7:12, the Bible says, "Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, 'Thus far the LORD has helped us.'"  In the next few days, I want to spend some time looking back at my ebenezers-- the defining moments, the miracles, the places where it was apparent that the Lord has carried me through.

Anyone want to join me in drawing this roadmap of your life?  I would love to post some of yours if you'd be willing to share!

Dear Lord, I praise you because you are worthy of praise.  You are amazing!  And I am so thankful for everything you've done in my life.  Lord, over the next couple of days, help me to remember all the times you have been faithful.  Help me to practice praise.  I love you, Lord.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

"I Chose You"

Scripture: John 15:16
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.


This week, while we were at the beach, something really cool happened.  Jimmy, Clark, and I had gone out to dinner and while we were out, Jimmy and I got into an argument.  (That's not the cool part.)  I know what was happening… the enemy saw that things were going well on the trip and decided to attack where I wasn't expecting it… my marriage.  (I also must admit that he used me to do it… the argument was completely my fault.)  

But as we were driving home, the car overflowing with tension, Clark sat in the back seat coloring.  Suddenly, he looked up and said, "Dada, have you asked Jesus into your heart?"  Jimmy said that he had.  Then he asked, "Mommy, have you asked Jesus into your heart?"  I said I had too.  Then he asked, "What happens when you ask Jesus into your heart?"  We both explained to him that it means you ask Jesus to forgive your sin so that you get to live with Jesus in heaven forever and that he lives in your heart here on earth and is your friend and helps you each day.  Then he said, "Dada, will you show me the prayer to ask Jesus into my heart?"  And so Jimmy led him in that prayer.  And it was awesome!

He's a couple months short of five years old.  We know that he has a long way to go when it comes to fully understanding sin and grace.  But that same day the Bible Reading Plan included John 15:16-- "I chose you."  That moment of Clark accepting that Jesus has chosen him made it abundantly clear that our salvation-- the timing, the means, everything-- is completely in God's control.  That tug on Clark's little heart came out of no where.  The enemy thought he was winning in the car at that moment and that's the moment God chose to win the ultimate victory with Clark.  He wins!  Every time!  

A couple months ago, Pastor Chris asked us to write down our "Ten Most Wanted" and pray for their salvation.  Clark was my #1.  And God is faithful!  

Dear Lord, you are awesome!  Thank you so much for working on Clark's heart!  I am so thankful that you are in control and that your timing is perfect.  I pray that little prayer that Clark prayed would be the beginning of an awesome life-long journey of knowing and loving you.  I pray that you would do amazing works through him.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Student Summer Growth Plan

Today, everything changes.  It's summertime!  Suddenly, most of us have quite a bit more control over our days.  We get to sleep in a little bit.  We have some time that we can spend however we want.  

Read the scripture above, especially the highlighted portions.  A couple summers ago, I read Pastor Chris's book, The Plan of Your Life.  That is when I started setting goals for my quiet time and spiritual growth.  And that is when everything changed for me.  Summer is the PERFECT time to start new habits in your spiritual life.  Below is a template to help you write a summer growth plan.  (Click the picture for a printable version.)
 Click Picture for Printable Version

Additionally, if you would like to see more detail about how I structure my quiet time, see this blog post:  Interacting with God's Word.

And, if you would like to learn how to use the Blue Letter Bible to understand the shades of meaning within scripture much better, check out this post: Fruit: Praises Offered as a Thank Offering.

I challenge you… don't let the weekend go by without writing down your plan.  It's too easy to get wrapped up in summer and neglect this.  It is so important though.  It has changed my life.  A discipline that began in summer has carried on for two years now almost every morning.  You don't want to miss what God has for you if you'll just set aside a time to meet with him each day!

Dear Lord, you are amazing!  We want to know you so much better this summer.  Please meet with us and show us more about you.  God, I pray this would be a summer of unbelievable personal spiritual growth for our FpStudents!  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Filter Pressure

Scripture: John 12: 42-43
Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved human praise more than praise from God.


This passage was in today's Fp Bible Plan.  It first stood out to me because of the last sentence.  Yikes! What an ugly accusation… but one that I fear in true of me all too often.

As I thought more about this, something that happened yesterday came to mind.  One of my Facebook friends posted a question about why some "religious people" do a certain thing.  It wasn't a religious practice that I was familiar with but I commented and started following the discussion.  It turns out, the practice he was referring to was a tradition of devout Jews.  I learned something new from this discussion.

But later I got to thinking… Would I have posted that same question?  Probably not.  Because I would have been afraid of looking silly… or ignorant… or irreverent… or whatever.  But to whom?  Not to unbelievers.  They wouldn't judge me for trying to learn more information about something I don't know.  In fact, I would say that both atheist and agnostic people generally tend to celebrate inquiry and curiosity.  No.  It would be other believers that I would be afraid would judge me for asking a question like that.

Eek!  Another mask… Another filter.  Let me first focus on my issue here before I turn this on the faith community as a whole.  Above John describes two tactics Satan uses to keep the Jews from openly acknowledging their faith: fear and pride.  He uses these same two tactics on me.  So often, I'm afraid to reveal my true self.  I hide behind my mask.  Fear holds me back.  And so often, I am motivated by the praise of people instead of the praise of God.  Pride has a grip.  Fear + pride = insecurity.  And insecurity is exactly what holds me back so often.

In his grace, the Lord is answering my prayer to reveal my filters.  And so I pray this morning that He would begin to remove these.

Now there's this other issue here… If I am afraid I might be judged by these "religious people" (as my FB friend calls us), how must we make nonbelievers feel?  Surely they don't want to be a part of a group that is so judgmental.  I realize I'm speaking in sweeping generalities here.  I personally feel within my own church that I can ask anything.  We are a no holds barred, talk about everything, raw and real kind of church.  And I know of quite a few other churches in my community that are the same way.  But we (the whole church) have got centuries of history of asking people to put on masks working against us.  And we've still got lots of church bodies who don't allow people to ask questions or talk about hard things.

I want to be a Christ-follower who doesn't pressure other people to filter themselves.  Because Christ didn't ask them to.

Lord, you are amazing!  Thank you so much for revealing more truth to me this morning!  Thank you for continuing to show me the masks that I've been wearing.  Peal those away, Lord.  Let me be real.  God, I also pray that you would make me into someone who doesn't pressure other people to wear a mask.  Help me to be loving and accepting and bring out the realness in people… not the religious filter. In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Love with No Filter

Scripture: Romans 12: 9-12
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.  Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.  Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.


This whole passage is full of applications, full of commands.  But the first sentence is the rationale for the rest of the passage.  Love must be sincere.  Love must be undisguised.  Love must have no filter.  And in order to show sincere love, we are called to do all of these other things…
  • Cement ourselves to what is good.
  • Show mutual love for each other… the kind of love that parents and their children have for each other.
  • Rank other people above ourselves in importance.
  • Keep our spiritual temperature at a boil.
  • Serve.
  • Rejoice with expectation of good.
  • Persevere through stress.
  • Be devoted to prayer.
These are the ways we love with no filter.  This is what true, sincere love looks like.  It seems impossible, doesn't it?  To be that devoted and selfless and fervent and hopeful?  Again, I'm so tempted to put on my "Jesus girl" mask here to accomplish these things.  I could probably fake most bullet points on that list, at least for a while.  But that first sentence-- love must be sincere-- reminds me that all this is impossible when I try to do it on my own.  True, sincere love comes from Christ in me.  The only way I can truly love like that is to let the love of the Lord overflow from me.  Because his love is relentless and sacrificial and passionate and sincere.  

Lord, you are awesome!  I praise you for who you are!  Jesus, thank you so much for showing me what sincere, unfiltered love looks like.  Help me to love like that.  I know I can only do that as a result of your love in me.  So overflow me with your love, Lord, that I love others that way.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Confident in this...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Godfidence Prep

Getting ready for tonight by reading an article called "Can We Trust the Bible?"  If you are still struggling with the Bible's reliability, check it out.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Heart

Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:7
The Lord does not look at the things people look at.  People looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.


Yesterday, the Lord showed me how "filtered" I really am.  I realized that I don't even know exactly where my filter stops and my real self begins.  I asked the Lord to start pealing away the filters and making me more real.  And that's my prayer again this morning.  I pray that He just continues to work on my heart.

Reading this verse this morning, I was reminded that God knows exactly what my real self looks like.  He looks at me and sees my heart… with no filter.  But that begs the question, "What do you see when you look at my heart, God?"  I need the filters removed from my own eyes.  I need to see myself as the Lord sees me.  David prayed in Psalm 51:10, "Create in my a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."  It is God who works on the heart.  When I try to clean myself up, I end up with a clean filter, not a clean heart.

I honestly don't think the Lord is showing me anything ground-breaking or new this morning because I just need to keep resting in him, letting him clean up my heart, letting him remove my filters.  I don't have a lot to say because I need to listen… which, filters down, I am terrible at!

Lord, you are awesome!  I want a heart that is fully set on you.  Clean me up, Lord.  Continue to strip away filters.  Help me to listen…

In Jesus' name…

Monday, May 18, 2015

My Filters

Scripture: 1 Peter 3: 3-5
Your adornment must not be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.  For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves.


Yesterday at Faith Promise, we started a series called #NoFilter.  Pastor Zac talked about being real with God.  He said, "God cannot bless who you pretend to be.  He cannot anoint your avatar.  He cannot sanctify your selfie.  He cannot minister to your mask."  I can see where we're going with this series.  I'm sure we'll get to the point where we talk about how God cannot use us to reach others when we aren't being authentic.  See, this is something the Lord has been trying to teach me for a long time.  At the beginning of the year, when Pastor Chris asked us to pray about a word for the year, the Lord gave me the word "authentic."  

I have a filter problem.  I'm constantly "adorning" myself with whatever filter I feel like will be accepted in a given situation.  This verse talks about adorning yourself with braids and jewelry and dresses, but I definitely hide behind other filters.  
And none of these filters allow the real version of me to show completely.  In fact, being completely honest, I'm not exactly sure what that person looks like.  I've been filtering so long that I'm a little unsure what's authentic and what's not.  

I was surprised to find that the word "adornment" in this verse is translated as "kosmos."  Remember that word from the "Fun House" series?  (The whole world (kosmos) is under the control of the evil one. 1 John 5:19).  This "adornment," this filter, this made-up version of me, is of the world.  It's defined by worldly affairs.  It's not God's intended version of me.

It's scary to pray that God strips away the layers of masks and filters because I'm not sure what I'll find underneath.  I hope I find a woman with "the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit."  That seems almost laughable because that's such a different picture than the person I feel like I am.  But if there's one thing I've learned is that one of the hardest parts of believing God is believing that I am who he says I am.  So I'm going to trust that woman exists somewhere within me.  

And as I said before, I know where this series is going.  And when we get to that part about letting God use the real me for his glory, I want the real me to be ready.  So, as scary as it is, this morning I pray…

Lord, you are amazing!  I can trust you.  And so this morning I am trusting you in revealing the person you made me to be.  God, please peal away the layers of filters I've put on myself to try to impress or satisfy other people.  I know you cannot bless who I pretend to be.  And I want your blessing, Lord.  I also know that my filters are getting in the way of the full potential you created me for in glorifying you.  Let me be real.  Let me be authentic.  In Jesus' name!  Amen!

Confident in this...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

"Speaking the Truth in Love"

Scripture: Ephesians 4:15
Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.


The phrase "speaking the truth in love" came to mind this morning as I was reading the Fp Bible Plan in John 8:42-47.  A few week's ago, I wrote a post called "Full of Grace and Truth," based on an Andy Stanley message.  Before hearing that message a Jesus monologue like this one in John 8 used to make me really uncomfortable.  

I've always seen everything from an "EITHER grace OR truth" perspective.  Clark does something wrong and I EITHER punish him for it OR let him off the hook.  A friend says something hurtful and I EITHER forgive her OR I call her out.  Even those "controversial issues" that our society has decided to lift up as "big sins" and debate as if they were theoretical issues instead of real people's lives we're talking about… I always saw them as EITHER I can support those people with grace OR reject them with truth.  

This message helped me realize that Jesus is BOTH 100%, full-to-the-brim, complete grace AND 100%, full-to-the-brim, complete truth.  And I want to be like Jesus.  But I am really struggling to learn how to be "full of grace and truth."  I am really struggling to speak and live in such a way that I present truth while offering no condemnation.  

As I wrote that last sentence, the phrase, "Who's story are you telling?" popped into my head as clearly as I have ever heard anything from the Lord.  If I am truly telling Jesus' story, it is already FULL of grace AND truth.  If I am struggling to "spin it," there's a bigger problem.  The TRUTH of Jesus is so GRACE-filled, that it dazzles people all on its own.  

If I lean too hard into truth, I'm like the Pharisees, trying to hold everyone accountable to a bunch of rules.  If I lean too hard into grace, I look at passages like this one in John 8 and am offended by Jesus's bluntness.  And if I try to find a balance between the two, I end up seesawing between them in confusion that is hard for me to understand, much less those who I am witnessing to.  No, Jesus isn't a balance of grace and truth.  He is the full embodiment of both.  

So that brings me back to "speaking the truth in love."  In Ephesians 4:14, Paul is warning the church that they keep getting jerked around and deceived by people trying to share different philosophies because they are immature Christ followers, all trying to work in their own power.  He then tells them that the solution to this, the remedy that is going to bring about their maturity, is speaking the truth in love.  He didn't say, "Either speak the truth or love."  He also didn't say, "Speak both the truth and love."  He said, "Speak the truth in love."  In other words, "Let your words be fully truth and fully love at the same time."  Speak like Jesus.  Who's story are you telling?

Dear God, you are so awesome!  This isn't at all the direction I expected to go when I started looking at this verse.  But you took me where you wanted me to go.  And I love that so much.  Lord, I pray that you would pour your full grace and full truth into me so that it flows out of me in full measure.  Help me to stop trying to spin your story but to let you tell it through me.  In Jesus' name I pray! Amen!

Confident in this…

Friday, May 15, 2015

Fruit: Praises Offered as a Thank Offering

Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

This past weekend at Fuel, we learned how to use the Blue Letter Bible to look up the origins of words and the complexity of their truth translations.  Matt explained how English is such an overly simplified language in comparison to Greek or Hebrew and therefore when we read our Bible we do not always see the shades of meaning behind each word that is written.  For those that weren't there, or those that need a reminder.  Here's how you do it.
  • Go to
  • At the very top where it says "Search the Bible," type in the scripture reference (book/ chapter/ verse) and change the version from KJV to whatever you read.  (I like NIV.)
  • When the verse appears, click on the scripture reference and a chart will appear.
  • Next to the word you want to see defined, click the code in the "Strong's" column (looks like a letter followed by a bunch of numbers.)  Then you will see the full definition for each word.
Today, I used this tool to try to get a better grasp on the fruit of the spirit… and I'm so glad I did.  

Can mean an effect or result of, but can also mean praises offered as a thank offering
Whoa!  Remember the “halal” life (abundant life over-flowing with praise) that Pastor Chris talked about on Sunday?  These qualities or “fruit” are not only evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work in our life, they are our lifesong… our praise to God!
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the source of all these things.  We can’t make ourselves be them.  They are his work in us.
Goodwill, brotherly love
This kind of loving means looking out for others in a selfless way… Wanting good for them above yourself.  I sure do spend a lot of time looking out for my own good.
This is more than just feeling happy.  This is the eternal gladness.  The ability to say, “No matter what is going on, God is good.” 
The tranquility of a soul assured of salvation
Peace is saying, “Whatever happens here on earth, I know where I’m going.  I can handle whatever suffering may come with the assurance that I’ll be spending eternity in the presence of God.”
Endurance, perseverance
Again, during the hard times, we hang on.  We know that God is our strength and he will sustain us through it.
This definition surprised me.  This word kindness means more than being nice to someone.  It means having integrity, which we teach our kiddos means “doing the right thing even when no one is watching.”
Righteousness of heart and life
Not only must we have good intentions but we have to live them out.  1 Corinthians 4:20 says, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.”
Conviction of the truth, belief
We’ve talked a lot about faith lately in our Godfidence series.  But I had never really thought of my faith as a praise of thanksgiving (fruit) to God.
Mildness of disposition
Ugh!  I’m so bad at being mild in disposition.  I admire women who are soft-spoken and gentle.  But I have a smart mouth.
The virtue of one who masters her desires or passions
During the Deliverance message of our Four Cups series, Pastor Chris talked about the fact that we are three-in-one also (made in God’s image).  We are a combination of body, soul, and spirit.  If we let the body take control, we will be slave to our desires and passions.  If we let the soul take control, we will be captive by our emotions.  But if we let our spirit take control, we are surrendering over to God’s will for our lives.  So really, self-control, means surrendering to the spirit.

Lord, you are so amazing!  And I so badly want this fruit in my life because I want my life to be filled with praises offered as a thank offering to you.  But I know that the only source of this fruit is your Holy Spirit.  So Lord, please fill me with more of the Spirit.  Help me to mature in each of these areas.  Make me more complete, God.  It's in Jesus' name I pray!  Amen!

Confident in this…